Toys and surveillance @ NO W
Charity project. Interactive installation of “Toys and Surveillance” at an anti-war exhibition "NO W".
The general message of the exhibition is to use simple symbols and to name things by theirs names. I have long wanted to speak out about toy tanks, since in childhood there were a lot of them and are now extremely popular computer games in war, both among adults and children. In my installation, the tanks move randomly, each of them is unprincipled and without communication with each other, like a swarming swarm on the piles of bodies. Observation comes from a certain person, which is constantly looking at one or the other, as an overseer with a flashlight. At such a moment, everything freezes and trembles in anticipation. Anyone who approaches the installation, focuses on this attention and manifests itself in a silhouette in the light of this red lantern, is in place “between” a meaningless battles and those who passionately oversees and manage.
Techs: kinect, projector
NO W exhibition
in Tbilisi Revolution space