Physarum WebGL
Play with it here:
"Physarum polycephalum, an acellular slime mold or myxomycete popularly known as "the blob", is a protist with diverse cellular forms and broad geographic distribution." (wikipedia)
I didn't find any performant realisation of this algorithm in web environment on CPU, not to mention on the GPU. So I decided to experiment with my own vision of it directly with GLSL and simulated compute shading on WebGL which doesn't support it for now.
And ofcause it's audio-reactive! So you can try it with any music when you allow your mic to listen to it. In this 1st iteration audio affects the speed of particles.
Presented in a lecture format at the "3D NIGHT" @ F0RTHSP4CE, Tbilisi

- Use video
- Adjustable noise for pheramones